Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Time I Say Goodbye

So after four years of posting content about the sims 3, I've decided that this is where I say goodbye. I've been thinking and considering this all for months now and haven't truly been able to make a decision until now. I was looking at my new years resolutions for the sims that I posted a year ago and it's funny how things have changed. 2018 was one of the best years of my life, but simming wise, it was a nightmare. For a long time, I was just defined by this hobby of mine. I love the sims and what it has brought into my life, but I just don't feel comfortable sharing my content anymore. If you followed me in 2018, you will find that I switched blogs, left a community, turned off comments, and nearly stopped writing all together several times. After everything...I just don't enjoy sharing my sims stuff anymore. It's become a huge job for me to the point I joke about doing work to escape it. I didn't mean for this to turn into such a..negative post at all, what I wanted to say is; thank you to the people who along the years, have truly made the sims worth playing. Thank you guys for supporting my content and helping me through the tough times.
This is an indefinite hiatus. I may come back someday, but for now, this is the end. Again, thank you to all the individuals who supported my content. My blogs and threads will still be up, but may no longer be active.



P.S - Keep on simming if you enjoy it!